Course Structure

The following table shows the teaching period in which the subjects are typically offered.

Click on individual subjects for more information


Summer Semester

LN507/807 Linguistics and Language Learningon campus

Semester 1

LN504/804 Introduction to Sociolinguisticson campusonline
LN514/814 Structure of Languageson campus
LN502/802 Introduction to Literacyon campusonline
LN503/803 Introduction to Phonologyon campus
LN512/812 Scripture Engagementonline

Semester 2

LN505/805 Linguistic Field Methodson campus
LN511/811 Principles and Practices of Translationonline
LN513/813 Semantics and Discourseon campus
LN515/815 Training for Transformational Developmenton campusintensive
LN509/809 Literacy Materialsonline
LN508/808 Literacy and Multilingual Educationonline

LN501 Introduction to Linguistics, LN506/806 Language Program Management, EN501 Academic Writing & Communication will be run as required.