Papuan Malay Literature Development Project – $37,000/year

Project Description
The Papuan Malay Literature Development Project will build capacity in Papuan writers by providing quality training and mentoring as they create and promote Papuan Malay materials and contribute to language development efforts in the region.
Local languages are crucial for adequate education, economic sustainability and social welfare of a community. In the provinces of Papua and West Papua (Indonesia) approximately 2 million people speak Papuan Malay, a language not often acknowledged as distinct from Indonesian. Without that acknowledgement Papuan people are disadvantaged in the national education system. Access to a body of literature in Papuan Malay is needed to give Papuan Malay speakers the opportunity to acquire the awareness that Papuan Malay is a unique language, as well as to learn and develop through literature and other materials in their mother tongue.

The Papuan Malay community and church have identified a need to develop their own literature. This is crucial for the development of faith, children’s education and for providing a means for adults to access information for their growth and learning. Given there is no history of literature in Papuan Malay, it is essential that native-speaker writers be trained in language awareness, composition, translation, editing, community testing, computing, publishing, promotion and public relations.
This project has emerged from the existing work of the Papuan Malay translation team and will increase their capacity to produce materials designed specifically for Papuan audiences in addition to their Bible translation work.
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